I finally decided to start a blog about everyday life and just about anything and everything that comes to mind. I'm going to start my first blog on the up and down kind of day I had yesterday.
Cardiac Arrest:
My dog decided to try and commit suicide right in front of me yesterday. My dad and I were chatting on the front porch for a bit when I hear my dad scream so loud I had to cover my ears. He yelled my dogs name and as I looked up, he was already in the middle of the road with a van heading straight towards him. I immediately bolted in that direction (not knowing what I would've been able to do), I still ran. Luckily and thankfully the man driving the van was paying complete attention to the road and stopped. I scooped the little guy up and all I could do was hold him tightly and cry like a baby. My dad told me I should've popped him but all I could think was thank God my lil buddy didn't get hit. :]
But seriously, you can't take your eye off of anything for a second because that's all the time it takes for something really bad to happen..
Epidurals cannot paralyze you:
My sister asked me to go to a prenatal class with her that evening since her husband had to work. We walked (well, she waddled) into the room and had a few gummy fruit snacks before she started. At first I was a little hesitant to go because I really wasn't in the mood to watch all the lovely birthing videos and I wasn't having a baby so why would I be entertained?? But I really actually enjoyed it. I wasn't even having a baby and it made me comfortable with the thought of having one. I actually sat there staring off into space and thinking about how amazing and great it would be for my fiance and I to have a child together. I actually imagined myself holding a baby in a rocking chair while my hubby came home from work and kissed us both. And I just had this overwhelming feeling of happiness for a split second. It being a split second because I was distracted by my sister holding a plastic baby doll to her boob. The nurse (of course) was showing different breast feeding techniques. I can't imagine my sister just holding a baby to her breast for no apparent reason. Not like me earlier when I was trying to force feed the baby doll gummy fruit snacks... but anyway it was a neat experience. And it definitely confirms that I will be having an epidural when I decide to have children.
Well, that's it for my first entry.
P.S. This is my lil buddy..
HAHA, she waddled! she'll love ya for that